Housekeeping Module - Staylist Pro
Ryan McLear avatar
Written by Ryan McLear
Updated over a week ago

The Housekeeping module within Staylist Pro is a great way to see the current status of your units in terms of preparedness for an incoming guest. This can be used not only on cottages and cabins, but for any unit you'd like!

To use the Housekeeping module to manage your cleaning schedule of units:

  1. Access the Housekeeping module by clicking on "Housekeeping" at the top of the screen.

  2. On any of the units listed on this view, you can click on their current status, and update it's status to any of the following options:

    1. Clean

    2. Dirty

    3. Occupied

    4. Pending

  3. When a reservation is checked in, the unit will automatically change to an Occupied status.

  4. When a reservation is checked out, the unit will automatically be changed to a Dirty status.

  5. If desired, you can have units being cleaned by housekeeping staff be set to a Pending state, if cleaning quality needs to be confirmed by a manager prior to having the unit set to Clean. This is done via Profile Permissions, with the permission shown below being enabled:

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