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Unit Creation and Setup - Staylist Pro
Unit Creation and Setup - Staylist Pro
Ryan McLear avatar
Written by Ryan McLear
Updated over a year ago

During your initial setup of Staylist, or if adding new units onto your existing setup, you'll need to create the individual units for your inventory at the park. To do this, follow the steps below.

  1. In the main settings cogwheel, navigate to Units -> Units.

  2. Click on the Plus icon in the upper-right corner to start the Unit creation process.

  3. In the Create pop-up, enter in the name of the unit, select the Unit Type, and select which Unit Category this unit belongs to.

  4. After saving this initial set of information, you'll see the Unit details box. This is where you'll set the restrictions of the unit, such as Active/Inactive online (Box 1 below), Occupancy rules for the unit (Box 2), RV equipment size limits (Box 3), and Unit description and directions (Box 4).

  5. The Advanced tab contains fields where you can enter in iCal links for unit listings on 3rd-party OTA providers.

  6. The Overrides tab contains options to set a unit's Rate Code, Tax Code, and Deposit Policy that would typically be inherited by the settings within the Unit Category setup. If a dropdown is empty, like the example image below, this unit will inherit the Unit Category settings for these options.

  7. In the Pictures tab, you can upload photos for the individual unit. Staylist recommends that an image not exceed 1920x1080 in dimensions, as well as a 2 Megabyte size limit. Images should be either in .JPG or .PNG format. Based on our online booking widget layout, if adding photos, we strongly recommend uploading at least 3 photos. After uploading images, you can determine their sort order in the boxes below the images (prioritized by number value).

  8. The Amenities tab allows you to highlight features for this unit.

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