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Creating a Group TXT - Staylist Pro
Ryan McLear avatar
Written by Ryan McLear
Updated over 12 months ago

To send a Group/Mass SMS:

Note: Each recipient of a group SMS message will use one message purchased. If there are not enough available messages in your account, issues can occur.

  1. Go into the main settings cogwheel -> CRM -> Group TXT.

  2. Click on the Plus icon in the upper right corner just below your name.

  3. Set the "Send To" rules for who would qualify for receiving this message. The current options are Check-In range, Check-Out Range, and On-Site.

  4. Set the Date range for the guests who will receive the message. Please keep in mind that you need to set the dates to be at least one day apart. In the example below, this would send to guests who were staying overnight on August 30th, 2023. IF THE SAME DATE IS SELECTED IN BOTH BOXES, THE MESSAGE WILL NOT SEND PROPERLY.

  5. Fill out the message area with the desired text.

  6. Click Preview. The next page will show each site (with the guest's last name) that is designated to receive the text. You can click on the X next to their site/name to remove them from the sending list.

  7. If everything else looks good, press the Send now button. If the message is being sent to a very large number of guests (More than 100), the process may take a bit of time to complete and send out. If the number of guests is VERY large (>150), there is a chance that the webpage will time out, as the process can take longer than the webpage will wait for a successful response. The message is still sending as expected if this occurs.

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