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Splitting a Reservation - Staylist PRO
Ryan McLear avatar
Written by Ryan McLear
Updated over a week ago

To split a long-term reservation between two sites:

The example we're working with is the following reservation, with a balance due of $0.00.

  1. In the original reservation, click on the cogwheel and select "Change Dates or Unit".

  2. In the Modify Reservation box, change the check-out date to the date that the site change is happening. In this example, I'm changing my check-out date from 10/31/2023 to 8/1/23. After this is done, click Quote.

  3. The next box will show the changes in rates/charges/taxes, as well as the "new" grand total. I usually take a quick screenshot of this just to make sure I have the original rates/charges/taxes. Even though this information is available in the reservation log, I like to have it readily accessible when making a split reservation to make sure everything lines up.

  4. After clicking Save, the original reservation most likely has a large refund due. This will get transferred to the new reservation in a couple of steps.

  5. Back on the availability grid, we need to start making the new reservation. Click on the site change date which will be the start of the 2nd leg of the split, and have the checkout date be the ending date.

  6. Before entering in any guest information, in the upper left corner of the reservation creation box, there is a dropdown. Click on that, and at the bottom of the list, select Split.

  7. The Contact search box changes to a Next/Prior Reservation box. Clicking in that will bring up a list of any reservations that either check out on the same date of the "new" check in, or if they check in on the same day that this "new reservation checks out. Find and select the reservation for your guest. In my example, there's only the one reservation, but you'll most likely have quite a few due to this also happening on a Monday when many guests are most likely checking out.

  8. Some minor adjustments may have to be done for rates and charges at this point, to make it "match" the amount from the original reservation. We can also fix this after finalizing the reservation, but may be easier at this time. Ultimately, this is up to you in which method works best.

  9. Click Reserve!

  10. If you go back into either of the reservations, you'll now see that they're part of a folio with multiple charges. This helps with managing split reservations, especially if they're not right next to each other on the grid, etc. If you click on the View, button, it'll bring up a green window with both (or however many) legs of the split reservation. In my example, it shows the two portions of the split reservation, and also shows the balances on each reservation, which I use to make sure the balances line up before transferring funds.

  11. Go back into the original reservation with the negative balance due, and click on "Refund a Payment". You'll want to note the amount needing to be transferred.

  12. On the transactions page, you'll want to make sure to click on the two arrows to transfer funds for the transaction that has the entire amount, which is the check transaction that was taken on 5/12/23. If we chose the other transaction, I don't believe it'd have enough funds to transfer the full amount.

  13. When you click on the Transfer button, a box with Related reservations should pop up. Select the new portion of the split reservation as the transfer destination, and enter in the dollar amount in the field. The negative balance amount gets covered up by the transactions window, which is why I mentioned to note the value elsewhere.

  14. If everything looks good, click Transfer Payment.

  15. Double check all legs of the split to make sure balance due (if any) look appropriate.

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